Monday, June 13, 2011

Halo Video 3: Getting Out of a Sticky Situation

This was a great game of Team Doubles Mr Fusion 82 and I played a long time ago on Foundry. We were behind for most of the game and made a great comeback at the end.The score was 23 to 24 and we needed a quick double kill to win. Mr Fusion 82 had rockets and told me to stay down because he could handle it. Too bad for him that both of his rockets missed and they were about to destroy him. It was Montyp2000 to the rescue in the end and I won us the game. Look out Blue... there's something sticky on your leg.


  1. Haha, very nice kills haha. I love halo.

  2. Great move with the sticky grenade. I'm following for more vids!

  3. lmfao, that is some funny stuff

    following :)
